16 July 1957 - 67 years old
A semi-retiree ... and a college student, again.
I began my post high school education, back in 1975, at the University of Texas in Austin. On a full academic scholarship, no less. But the 'entertainment' world was consistently calling to me and I left my education (and scholarship) to travel with my first musical ensemble in the Spring semester of my Junior Year!
Alas YOUTH!!
So all these years later (47 to be exact) I'm back in school, just finishing two Associate Degrees from Central New Mexico Community College, a Business Administration degree with a concentration in Project Management and an Associate of Applied Science in Integrated Studies, both with Honors, at the end of 2020, during COVID.
In May 2022, at the age of 64, I received my Bachelor of Arts from the University of New Mexico, in Albuquerque, in Liberal Arts/Africana Studies. In August 2024, at the age of 67, I received my Master of Arts in Strategic Leadership at JAKES Divinity School.
Presently, I have begun my Doctorate journey in Leadership (DLD), continuing with JAKES Divinity School.
While I'm in this transition, any support will be blessed support.
Thank You, for your considered kindness.
Please SHARE the LINK, if you will.
Brother EDEN Douglas
#UnFilteredEDEN: EXPERIENCED Encouragement
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- 35+ years experience in Recovery, Reconciliation and Spiritual Transformation.
- Musician, Actor, Author, Counselor.
An actor, published author and recording artist, Brother EDEN is now on a journey to transform all the tributaries of his journey into one succinct message.., and then teach others how to do the same, with their own lives.
As a Spiritual Counselor and Motivator, I enjoy working virtually with creative clients who are 'stuck' either creatively or spiritually and in need of insight, enlightenment and encouragement.
This is not only a NEW DAY.., it's a NEW ERA and these templates of old religious doctrine no longer advance us toward Enlightenment in this present World.
I BELIEVE the answers we all seek will be birthed from our Collective Conversations and the ART we Create. OUR VOICES in their myriad of forms will become Our Salvation from the routine of our selfish lives and pursuits. This is not a doctrinal change, just a shift in my understanding of The Great Commission. We have to share more and especially with those that we have been led to believe we have less in common with. It's this very separation of thoughts and ideas that has kept us from truly moving forward as a whole.
My journey has begun to find methods and means to create this collective, virtually, and eventually, in the physical world.
But I need help in doing this. Remember, this sharing of ideas, is the point of this site. I'm equally interested in knowing 'who' reads/listens to me.., and how we can move, collectively, in this world in tandem and apart, toward a common call.
I'm in a transition. My previous work in film, tv and music was satisfying.., but not completely fulfilling. I did discover that in every one of those places it was always the people that I encountered that made those excursions worthwhile. Even when I started my own talent agency, I found that I spent more time listening and counseling than I did, creating work. So, this transition I'm in now, is to find a way to spend more time doing what I feel I do, best, and still survive. I can't travel today to all the places that I feel I can be of service, so I have to use technology to create a platform for others to discover me. This is the beginning of that part of my journey ...
the MAN
He Giveth More Grace, As The Burdens Grow Greater
All of my creations represent some of the lowest points of my life. Times when I didn't know how I was gonna make it another day.
Instead of giving up.., and giving in.., I wrote myself to peace, with my poetry (lyrics) and prose.
I did as my Grandmother had often advised me..,
'I told the Truth and Shamed the Devil.'
In short, I took the sting out of my embarrassment, my perceived lack.., and my internal struggles.
Following is a mere sampling of my recorded struggle and journey to find my unique voice and calling.
I love all my lyrics, but this one carries a special place in my heart. It's a moment in time, when the right words, found the right arrangement (thank you Reid Anderson: The Bad Plus) and the tune was simply GOD humming in my ear.
Just Listen.
This is only one song of nearly 50 recorded works. To hear more... check out this Soundcloud page of more of my MUSIC.
I've had the pleasure of working with Samuel L. Jackson on Freedomland, The Spirit, The Sunset Limited (below) and The Avengers.
and with Denzel Washington on Philadelphia, The Preacher's Wife, American Gangster, He Got Game, The Book of ELI and The Magnificent Seven (>>>>). Each experience was more enlightening than the previous.
At all times, and in all things, I'm always a student and I enjoy listening to and interacting with those with even more life experience than my own.
Eventually my intention is use everything I've learned to create uniquely spiritual opportunities for myself and others.
My remaining Film/TV Resume is extensive. For a semi-detailed listing, view my IMDb.com page.
Each of the following images are links to purchase the individual books ....
Thank you for your interest, and support.
DIGITAL and Physical Books
Brother EDEN Douglas has traveled extensively but makes his home, presently, in the desert of New Mexico, where his imagination has grown as vast as the horizon that surrounds him. Deeply committed to his spiritual path and awakening, these writings are direct reflections of his true passion:
Healing his world by teaching and incorporating one simple Truth at a time.
Just link through the following artwork for all of EDEN's works on AMAZON.
... from the DUST of EDEN, Again
I desired to tell a story that I’ve personally never read. A re-imagining of man’s creation from the book of Genesis, for a generation that has never fully grasped the gospels or shown an interest in them.
What if there was ‘more’ to the story of man’s beginning? I decided to take a ‘fantasy’ look at Garden of EDEN. What if after Adam’s fall and departure, GOD created another?
“I wish you knew my Father, the way I know Him.., the way I’ve always known Him. In fact, I wish you knew me. Everyone knows Adam, especially after he chose the woman over GOD and the world you live in, now, is in the shape it’s in because of Adam. If only you knew that GOD’s plan for mankind wasn’t abandoned, when Adam left EDEN. If only you knew that GOD created ‘another’ in Adam’s absence. It’s time you knew me.”
Interested in knowing EdenDust? This is my first novel: A Spiritual Fantasy...
It's all about Angels and Avarice..., and a New Beginning. A New EDEN.
Take a journey into what 'might have been'.., and still might be.
SOBER Disciple
A Psalm of Change for the Young Disciple
The intention of this little booklet is to heal that broken heart that is the center of every other good thing that wishes to be accomplished. Wherever this book finds you, just know that you've found it, at the right time and moment and if you allow it, even in its simplicity, it can change your perspective, your focus and your heart.
A Spiritual Journey of Self-Discovery
Brother EDEN Douglas chronicles his journey of Self-Discovery in this very detailed examination of his faith, sexuality and calling.
WHOLLY: to the full or entire extent, to the exclusion of other things.
HOLY: having a divine quality; hallowed, blessed, sanctified, consecrated.DESERTATIONS
Simple GRACE from the DESERT
"In spite of daily efforts to improve ourselves, we still have many faults. We eliminate one, only to find new shortcomings. We free ourselves from some unwanted involvement, only to find new entanglements. Why is it so hard to find liberation? Because our own minds are the source of our difficulties."
These DESERTATIONS are, by design, Simple Grace from the Desert to aide you in your journey through your particular transition.
the Vlogs of EDEN
#UnFilteredEDEN: Truth and Wisdom from the Garden of (Brother) EDEN
Life Lessons in 60secs
The things I've learned, the hard way, in my 60 years of existence.
After a brief sabbatical from the first 100 Vlogs of 60sec LIFE LESSONS, that began as Truth and Wisdom from the Garden of (Brother) EDEN, the instinct was to truly share the UnFiltered Journey .
#UnFilteredEDEN: #ONaMission
EDEN's 2017 Vision Unfolds, in Real Time
So It Begins ...
#UnFilteredEDEN: EXPERIENCED Encouragment
#2018EDEN conVERSATions:
Introspections, Insights and Incentives on Getting Started, NOW
#EDENWisdomOfAGE: an #EDENis60 series#UnFilteredEDEN LIFE LESSONS, continues ..
#EDENsWISDOMforSOULandMIND ... a new series begins.#UnFilteredEDEN LIFE LESSONS, continues ..
#TheMINDsetOf ....
#61EDEN is EXPERIENCED Encouragement and WISDOM for SOUL and MIND
What's On Your Heart?
I welcome all levels of inquiry.., If I can be of service.., please let me know the details, below.
I want to be strength for you, wisdom in that dark place that you've come to accept as normal..,
and a directive for JOY to enter your life and heart, again.
I Believe I Can Help..., Reach Out To Me.
Brother EDEN Douglas
I desire to be of service with my gifts and talents. Help Me, Help Others.
- The Blog
Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.
There are no published blog posts yet.
© 2023, EdenDust Publishing, USA